Upcoming Events
Here you will find information on all of the special events and tournaments happening throughout the building!
For a complete list of our annual Special Events, visit our Get Involved page here!
MRC Site Wide Events
It's pretty quiet in this area right now. Check back later for more events and tournaments!
Arena Events
It's pretty quiet in this area right now. Check back later for more events and tournaments!
Midcoast Classic Tournament
February 15th-March 23rd
Start Time TBD based on Registrations
The Midcoast Classic Tournament, MRC's largest hockey tournament of the season, draws teams from all across New England. The Classic is broken down into 5 tiers, with both a half-ice and full-ice option available for the 8U Mites division.
Half-ice tournaments are $650 per team, and up to 16 teams can be registered in each division.
Full-ice tournaments are $800 per team, and up to 8 teams can be registered in each division.
7U Mini-Mites (Half-Ice)— February 22nd & 23rd $650 per Team
8U Mites (Half-Ice)— March 1st & 2nd $650 per Team
8U Mites (Full-Ice)— March 22nd & 23rd $800 per Team
10U Squirts (Full-Ice)— March 8th & 9th $800 per Team
12U Peewees (Full-Ice)— March 15th & 16th $800 per Team
Registration for this tournament must be done over the phone or in person. Call our Front Desk at (207) 236-9400. Spots are available on a first come, first served basis.
There is a limit of 4 teams per organization for each of the half-ice divisions, and 2 teams per organization for all of the full-ice divisions.
A 50% deposit is due at the time of registration. Payments can be made over the phone using a Visa or Mastercard credit card. Registration is only final once payment is received.
Final payment and the USA Hockey roster signed by the state registrar is due prior to the tournament start date.
$650-$800 per Team
Pre-Registration and a deposit of 50% is required for each team. Call our front desk at (207) 236-9400 to register! Registration must be done over the phone or in person, and cannot be completed online.
Tennis Events
It's pretty quiet in this area right now. Check back later for more events and tournaments!
Pickleball Events
It's pretty quiet in this area right now. Check back later for more events and tournaments!
Play You HEART Out! Pickleball Tournament
Saturday & Sunday
February 15th-16th
12:00pm on Saturday
8:00am on Sunday
Come play in MRC's Valentine's Weekend Tournament and celebrate your love for pickleball!
Play will start Saturday at noon with Mixed Doubles 3.0 and 3.5; followed by 4.0 and 4.5 at 3:00pm.
Sunday's Gender Doubles will start at 8am with 3.5 Men's and Women's; 11am will mark the beginning of the 4.0 competition followed by 4.5 starting at 2:00pm.
Tournament registration deadline is February 11th! Registration for this event must be done through through pickleballtournaments.com. Click the "More Info" button below for the registration link!
$60 registration per person includes one event, with an option to register for the additional event for $10.
$60 per person
Pre-Registration is Required